Tree up to 20 m tall, sometimes shrub with ascending and creeping shoots. The needles of young shoots and lower, old branches are needle-shaped, on the upper branches - scaly, bluish-green. Plants are dioecious or monoecious. Male specimens have only needle-shaped needles. Women's - scaly. For this reason, they are often mistaken for different species. Cone-berries are small, numerous, variable in shape and color, almost black, with abundant wax coating, with 2 - 3 seeds, ripen in the second year. The bark on trunks is dark brown or brown, on annual shoots it is dark green. Recommended for landscape gardening, creating hedges and green compositions.
Winter-resistant, drought-resistant, light-loving, low soil demand, smoke-resistant and gas-resistant, soil-resistant. Due to the deepening of the soil-based branches, they are rapidly growing in width, creating dense growths. Growing on famous or rocky soils. Low demand for fertility and soil moisture, but poorly tolerates dry air. Seed is stratified before planting. We're going to have to land in the sun. In the shadows, plants grow shy and lose their decorative qualities; forms. The distance between plants is 0.5 to 1.5 m. One birch bush is 20 m2 after 10 years. The depth of the landing is 70 cm, with the ground in the pit. Drainage: brick and sand, 15-20 cm. The soil mixture: peat, dermal land, sand (2:1:1) reacts positively to soil moulding.
Care: In the spring of April-May nitroammophosk, 30-40 g/m2. In dry summer, it is recommended to water 2-3 times during the season and spraying once a week at night. Rubbering, mulching take place low after rainfall and weeds in young plantations. The mulching of peat, splinter or sawdust, 5-8 cm immediately after landing. The haircut, the cut, it's weak, because the bumblebee grows slowly. Mainly remove dry branches. In the first winter after the landing, young plants hide.
Eng.: Chinese Juniper. Suom.: Kiinankataja. Sven.: Kinesisk en.